Thursday, March 19, 2009

Jocking! I got accepted!


I got accepted into the Brown University Summer Program, I'm so happy, I'm bouncing around in my seat. I was reading the little brochure thingy, and it says that we get to room and board just like real college students *Ayyyyy!*. One thing that caught my attention though was that the brochure said that normally, the residence halls are -coeducational-, meaning girls and boys live on the same hall? I wonder what that's like. Like when I'm in college, I won't be able to walk around half naked because there will be men on my hall. Great. Of course, some girls like that...hoes. -____-

Yeah, this was supposed to be about something else, but I forgot the topic, so catch me later today. I might write 10 posts, if I'm happy enough, which I am.

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